La Bastide-des-Jourdans to Mallemort

This section, which was to be our last although we did not know it at the time, included two very enjoyable rest days and six days of mixed fortunes. Twice we were ejected from a camping ground because they did not accept campers, with the result that we had to walk many extra kilometres. Also the weather was even more dire than it had been, and Keith was fading fast. However we were often helped by good-hearted strangers, and there were many lovely moments, which confirmed our abiding love of France.

Our route for this section

Our route for this section

Day 5: La Bastide-des-Jourdans to Pertuis

Day 6: Pertuis to Étang de la Bonde

Rest Day: Étang de la Bonde

Day 7: Étang de la Bonde to Cucuron

Day 8: Cucuron to Lourmarin

Rest Day: Lourmarin

Day 9: Lourmarin to Charleval

Day 10: Charleval-to-Mallemort

Previous section: Château-Arnoux to La Bastide-des-Jourdans

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