Photo albums

Walking in France: With a party of two, it is rare to get a photo of us both
With a party of two, it is rare to get a photo of us both

One of the great joys of walking in France is the photographic opportunities that are available. It is such a beautiful country, especially in the out-of-the-way places where walkers go, that you come home with many wonderful photos.

From 2002 to 2004 we took a film camera – these photos had to be scanned, hence the poor quality reproduction from those years. After that we went digital with a succession of compact cameras.

In 2013, for the first time, we took a camera each instead of just one, and found the freedom and flexibility well worth the extra weight.

We have created a photo album for each of our annual walks in Google Photos. Click the title of the album you want to view, then click the first photo (which is the map of the walk) and then either:

  • scroll through the photos by clicking the arrow on the right of each photo. The captions are shown at the bottom left of each photo, or
  • to see a slideshow, click the three vertical dots at the top-right corner next to the map, then, in the menu that opens, click “Slideshow.” The slideshow does not show captions.
Walking in France: Arriving in Clamecy
Arriving in Clamecy
2002 photo album

A walk in the mountains of High Provence, followed by a section of the pilgrim Way of Le Puy to Moissac (104 photos).

2003 photo album

A circuit in the upper Dordogne, then to Rocamadour and on to the Way of Le Puy as far as St-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Continuing along the Pyrennees on the GR10, then down the Aspe River to end in Pau (118 photos).

2004 photo album

A short walk in Burgundy starting and ending in Beaune, followed by the first part of the Robert Louis Stevenson Track through the Cévennes to Florac, then on to join the pilgrim Way of Arles, finishing in Pau (84 photos).

2005 photo album

A walk down the Loire and Cher rivers, then on the pilgrim Way of Tours as far as Angoulême, followed by a walk down the Vézère river and up the Dordogne, then across to the Lot River and through the Gorges of the Aveyron to Albi and Revel (89 photos).

2006 photo album

A long walk starting in Burgundy, going through the Morvan, up the Canal du Nivernais and west to the Loire River, then down the Loire almost as far as Angers (66 photos).

Walking in France: On the way to Nîmes
On the way to Nîmes
2007 photo album

A walk through the Luberon, then across the Cévennes on part of the Robert Louis Stevenson Track. From Florac down the Gorges of the Tarn to Albi, then on to the Lot River and the lower Dordogne, ending at Angoulême (94 photos).

2008 photo album

A short walk in the mountains of Provence and the Drôme from St-André-les-Alpes to Rémuzat (86 photos).

2009 photo album

An upstream walk on the Vézère river from Terrasson to Treignac (92 photos).

2010 photo album

The Way of Vézelay, from Cosne-sur-Loire to Condom and then on to Auch (117 photos).

2011 photo album

A walk through the mountains of the Beaujolais and the gorges of the Loire to le Puy, followed by a section of the Cher river and the Canal de Berry (127 photos).

Walking in France: Pont de Rastel
Pont de Rastel
2012 photo album

A walk over the mountains of the Baronnies to the Luberon, along the pilgrim Way of Arles to Lodève, and over the Causse du Larzac. Then a separate walk in central France from Treignac to Montluçon to join the Canal de Berry, ending in Saint-Amand-Montrond (138 photos).

2013 photo album

The ancient Régordane walk from le Puy to St-Gilles, followed by a traverse of the coastal plain of the Languedoc to the foot of the Cathar Way, which we did not attempt due to the heat (129 photos).

2014 photo album

A walk heading north from Millau, crossing many of the great west-flowing rivers of France, to the Vienne, which we then followed downstream until it flowed into the Loire, and finally a couple of days going down the Loire (141 photos).

2015 photo album

A walk dominated by canals – at first in the south, through the Corbières and along the Canal du Midi, then further north, following the Canal of Burgundy, then cutting across to the Canal de Briare, the Loire and finally the Canal de Berry (170 photos).

Walking in France: Climbing up from the Rhône
Climbing up from the Rhône
2016 photo album

A walk in two parts – the first along canals in rainy, flooded Burgundy, and the second through the high country from Geneva to le Puy, on the pilgrim route known as the Way of Geneva (150 photos).

2017 photo album

A walk that started on the Swiss border and ended in the middle of France, with a large detour via the Canal of Burgundy and the valley of the Arroux (219 photos).

2018 photo album

A walk in two unequal parts – the first down the Allier river to the Loire, followed by a reverse pilgrimage on the Way of Vézelay; the second, a little section along the Canal of Burgundy, followed by an extra day to finish in Auxerre (208 photos).

2019 photo album

A walk starting with a north-to-south traverse of the high country of the Auvergne, then continuing to the Dordogne river and onwards towards the Lot. This walk was shortened by the extreme heat (167 photos).

2023 photo album

A ten-day walk from St-Auban in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence to Mallemort in the Bouches-du-Rhône. It was planned to be a much longer walk, but a combination of bad weather and physical ailments cut it short (153 photos).

We hope you enjoy them.

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