Day 3: Saint-Boil to Buxy

Monday, 12 June 2006
Distance 9 km
Duration 2 hours 0 minutes
Ascent 45 m, descent 13 m
Map 37 of the TOP100 blue series (now superseded)

Walking in France: An early morning departure: looking back to the camping at Collonge
An early morning departure: looking back to the camping at Collonge

The message had got through – we rose at 6:15 and were away before 7, our ribs well padded with muesli.

The Voie Verte was empty at that hour, save for a woman practising precariously on her roller-blades.

Later we encountered crowds of school kids walking to the high school in Buxy, and cruised into the town with them just before 9 am. That was the end of the Voie Verte for us – we had had enough of it anyway.

With a bag of croissants and a baguette, we climbed the steep, thriving main street to a café for our second breakfast.

Walking in France: Second breakfast in Buxy
Second breakfast in Buxy

Second breakfast is always a better meal than first breakfast – it has tables and chairs, it has coffee, it has passers-by, it has delicious pastries. We usually linger over it.

Walking in France: The red tower of Buxy
The red tower of Buxy

The town has some interesting ruins, including a couple of round towers from the encircling wall, but lacks the aesthetic coherence of Saint-Gengoux.

Leaving Buxy

From Buxy, catch a SNCF railway bus (autocar) to Chalon-sur-Saône which has a railway station. From there you can go to almost anywhere in France.

Previous day: Cormatin to St-Boil

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