This three-day traverse of the Causse du Larzac was part of a longer walk that we did in 2012.

It took us up from the valley of the Lergue, at Lodève, onto the plateau, or causse, bordered on the north by the mighty canyon of the Tarn.
The land had the uplifting beauty of high, open places. Unlike in the valleys, the vegetation was thin, mostly grassland with outcrops of the fissured grey rock of the region, and occasional stands of stunted trees and bushes.
The first day required a stiff climb at first, beside a small, tumbling stream on a mule track whose stones were polished by centuries of use. Once on the open causse, we had a more leisurely flat walk as far as le Caylar.
On the second day we were never far from the great artery of the A75, although we felt completely remote from it as we crept across the landscape. We passed through a Plus Beau Village and later made use of an abandoned railway line to get to l’Hospitalet.
The final day took us out onto the wildest part of the Causse, flat, dry and empty, and then down a huge drop over the edge of the escarpment, where the famous Millau Viaduct sweeps across to the opposite side, and into the town of Millau .
Getting to Lodève
There is a bus service (autocar) to Lodève from the Gare Routiere (bus station) in both Millau and Montpellier. Both of these towns are on the SNCF railway system which connects with the rest of France.
Day 1: Lodève to le Caylar
Day 2: Le Caylar to L’Hospitalet-du-Larzac
Day 3: L’Hospitalet-du-Larzac to Millau
This map shows accommodation icons for each night. Zoom in on a particular icon to see its precise location.
You can also see this map using Google Earth and take a virtual flight along our route.